> HOME > Guest Dancer > GuestDancer★Zahra Ethaniel(海外)

GuestDancer★Zahra Ethaniel(海外)


3rd anniversary!! 3周年スペシャルイベント期間★

9月22日(日)のゲストダンサーは、Zahra Ethaniel!!

GuestDancer★Zahra Ethaniel(海外)

Let's interview!!

Q.Please tell us your name and where you usually dance at
  (if you are in a dance group please give us the name )

A, My name is Zahra Ethaniel, and I dance with Guerilla Burlesque, as well as Euphoria dance troupes
私の名前はZahra Ethaniel(ザーラ イサニエル)ゲリラバーレスクのダンサーであり、またユーフォリアダンス団のダンサーでもあります

Q.If you or your dance group have BLOG , give us URL

ダンスグループのブログはないけれど、リーダーのChryblnd Scribeがもっています。投稿記事はダンスに関するものです。

Q.How did you start second life and what made you into it?

A. I started in Second Life for the amazing Art and Live Music people do here, as well as being able to meet and socialize with people from so many different locations.

Q.When did you start dancing and what made you into it 

I started dancing as soon as I rezzed inworld, but only started dancing on stage in the Summer of 2012 when I joined Guerilla Burlesque corps, and graduated to soloing at the end of December. I've always loved the dance world in RL, and it was wonderful to find a way to continue that in Second Life. The combination of making my own sets and choreographing dance sequences to (hopefully) tell a story to the audience brings me great pleasure and feeling of creativity. I am excited when people like what I can share with them.
けれど、ステージでダンスを始めたのは2012年夏シーズンのGuerilla Burlesque に団員として入った時です。そして12月の終わりにソロとして活動をはじめました。

Q.Which Dance HUD are you using mainly ?

I am using Huddles mostly for Stage dancing, but have others that I use for social dancing

Q.Where do you live in RL (only if you don't mind telling us)

A. I live in Central California along the coast and love the ocean

Q.What is your favorite food?

A. Calamari (squid) lol, well any seafood really, as well as berries : )

Q.Do you like dogs or cats? Do you have any pets?

A.Yes, I love most animals and used to had many pets, growing up on a small ranch in Southern California. Right now, I have a Sphynx cat (hairless) who loves the water and will jump in the bath or sink at any chance (he is my naughty little tiger). My little bird (a finch) just died a few days ago, but he lived 11 years which is amazing for a little finch, so he was a happy old man bird.

Q.Please tell us about this dance you are going to perform at IMAGE

A.I am presenting my interpretation of a Waterdrop Ballet, to Joe Hisaishi's "View of Silence". When I first heard it I could clearly see the image of a waterdrop falling and traveling through various watery environments. I thought that a ballet would be the best way to express the lyrical nature I saw in my mind. I tried a new (to me) technique with the Spot On Choreography Mover system. I wanted some set pieces to be moving in transition parts, and was successful making that happen with this great system : )
今回披露するのは”Waterdrop Ballet”をJoe HisaishiのView of Silenceです
初めて聞いた時、水のしずくが、さまざまな水環境の中を落ちて旅していくイメージをはっきりと見ることが出来たのです。私の心に見えた叙情的な自然を表現するのにはバレエがベストだと思いました。Spot On Choreography Mover systemを使って私にとっては新しいテクニックに挑戦しました。いくつかのセットを移り変わる動きをさせたくて、そしてそれも素晴らしいシステムによって実現が成功しました。

Q.Please tell us about this dance you are going to perform at IMAGE
 最後に一言お願いします? (お店の宣伝などもOKです!)

A.Oh there is so much I could say about the wonderful Dance world here in Second Life! I am so amazed each and every day by the creativity and passion dancers put into their stage work.
I enjoy so much seeing their visions come to life here.
I am thankful to be part of it now, and able to make some of my visions come alive on stage.
What I am most grateful for is to be part of a very popular, dynamic and excellent dance troupe, Guerilla Burlesque, run by the very talented and capable, Chryblnd Scribe. As well as dancing with Euphoria dance troupe headed by Diawa Bellic, another talented dancer.
They allowed me to join the Guerilla Burlesque Corps without much formal training and only a great love of dancing (and willingness to work hard) to recommend me. I was able to watch and learn from the other amazing dancers in the troupe as well, while filling in as an extra dancer in their acts. With the great support of Chryblond, I got the courage to bring my own solo acts to her stage. I feel like I learned SL stage dancing from the ground up, in one of the best places and group of people to do that. And, now enjoy seeing many other very lovely dance troupes, Club IMAGE being one of the top troupes.
I have always been a creative person with a love for Dance in RL and SL.
I studied Art all through school and college, and have danced in small troupes in RL on stage for small theaters and festivals, as well as making stage props for productions.
Stage dancing in SL gives me the opportunity to blend my Art background with my Dance background by making sets and sometimes costumes as well.
Then, pulling it all together with a dance choreographed to a favorite song along with the story-telling aspect, which for me, is an important part of what I do.
As a hobby, I used to illustrate stories IRL, and now I can illustrate songs by interpreting them for the stage and audience. I want to thank Setsuna for giving me the honor of dancing on the IMAGE stage, and also the help of Misse. They both are very kind and beautiful dancers who I admire as well.

毎日のようにダンサー達が創造力と情熱をステージワークに注いでいることに驚かされます 今、私もその仲間であり、ステージで私も自分の想像力に命を吹き込むことが出来ることをありがたく思っています。
一番ありがたいと思うのは、才能あふれる有能なcheryblond Scribeさんが運営をしている人気ダンスグループ、ダイナミックで最高なGuerilla Burlesqueの一員であるということ。
そしてDiawa Bellicさん率いる、もう一つの才能あふれるEuphoria dance troupes。
Guerilla Burlesqueに正式なトレーニング無しでも、ダンスが大好きという(そして努力は惜しまない)だけで推薦して入団させてくれました。
欠員を補助するエキストラのダンサーとして他の素晴らしいダンサーたちを見て学ぶことが出来ました。Cheryblondさんの大きなサポートのおかげでステージでソロを踊る勇気をもらいました。SLでのステージダンスを一から素晴らしい人たちの中で学べたと思います。そして今、他の素晴らしい沢山のダンスグループを見て楽しんでいます。Club IMAGEはその中でも最高のグループの一つです。


Thank you so much ,Zahra!
We love your fantasy dance.
Once, When you danced your dance, you gave a letter to me.
I was very glad! Your dance was wonderful and you were very kind :)
"ARIGATOU" for you from me.



CLUB IMAGE is the place
where you can enjoy talking and watching dance shows.
we are open from 10:30 AM Japan time (6:30 AM PDT)
Its open for everyone !
So, just stop by and see whats going on!

The show starts at 11PM Japan time (7:00 AM PDT)


2013/07/21 Kazusa Yoshikawa  cossette' (済)
2013/07/28 Diawa Bellic { Euphoria }(済)
2013/08/04 Chewie Quixote  Guerilla Burlesque (済)
2013/08/11 休演日
2013/08/18 Kai wirsing team Ä ・S・H(済)
2013/08/25 Yuika waco Club eScape(済)
2013/09/01 babypea von Phoenix Bikergrrl Guerilla Burlesque
2013/09/08 LiZu Melody team Ä ・S・H(済)
2013/09/15 休演日
2013/09/22 Zahra Ethaniel Guerilla Burlesque
2013/09/29 WOOW Larnia BBOY-DAN
2013/10/13 Shadow Tarber  Shadows Silhouette Dancers


Guest Dancer❤ babypea von Phoenix Bikergrrl from Guerilla Burlesque
Guest Dancer❤ LiZu Melody from team Ä・S・H
9月15日: 休演日
Guest Dancer❤ Zahra Ethaniel from Guerilla Burlesque
Guest Dancer❤ WOOW Larnia from BBOY-DAN

場所はこちらTP here!

We are looking forward to see you here !

Posted by IMAGE PR at 00:36 │Guest Dancer

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